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"Kerrie will get you in shape and you'll love it! I promise"

HHFC turned me into a new woman! I had been doing the gym thing for quite a few years. I went pretty regularly, but I was uninspired to really go and would end up doing short workouts because I was just so BORED. I finally tried Kerrie's workout just over a year ago and I never looked back. The workouts are never the same, you're outside in the fresh air, all the women are positive and motivate one another and the competitive atmosphere makes you want to work harder! I "thought" I was fit before coming to HHFC, but I couldn't even run continuously for longer than a few minutes. Now I'm doing triathlons! And I've dropped weight around those trouble areas I've always had my whole life and I now wear SHORT shorts!!! I love it! Kerrie will get you in shape and make you love doing it! I promise you..

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